Bee Networks Inc. is a full service IT support company. Our focus is on helping small companies implement and utilize technology solutions for growth and success. The products we recommend and manage are time tested, proven reliable, and budget conscious.
We have years of experience, and are certified in all aspects of network support. If your servers down, or if you just need a new set of eyes or a second opinion, we'd love to help. We also have a unique business philosophy for an IT shop. We see ourselves as providing a professional service similar to your accountant.
Have you ever had an accounting firm send a salesman to talk you into upgrading your accounting software? Never!
Neither should you have to deal with an IT sales person. At least that's how we feel, and if you read "Our Story" you'll understand why, and probably agree.
So give us a call, and we'll do everything we can to make sure you keep calling us when you need IT support.