Need I.T?
Call The Bee!
(806) 853-9230
Bee Networks Inc. is a full service IT support company. Specialized in supporting the technology needs of clients with 5 to 150 computers.
The technicians at Bee Networks are not only specialized in the IT needs of small business, we’re guru’s.
Bumble Bee flying*, Ninja-Wizards, specially trained at BNU (Bee Networks University) with certifications in everything from hardware, software, Microsoft, Cisco, Fortinet, and more!
And not only are Bee Networks Technicians bona-fide living legends among their peers, we've gone the extra mile to ensure that every tech we train learns plain English! No more techno-gibber, and acronyms. Maybe just a little West Texas drawl.
So take a look around, click a few buttons, and be sure to check our about us page. I think you'll find our story interesting, but more important we want you to know how and why we do things just a little different from the others guys.
*(note) No Real Bumble Bees are actually flown or harmed.